Microsoft Office 2019 Professional Plus Open Academic
Why this?


- For 1 Device
- Digital download
- Lifetime support at no extra cost
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- Install for one device
- One-time purchase for 1 person
- Licensed for commercial and home use
- Runs on Windows 10 & 11 (PC version only)
- This product includes classic 2019 version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, and Publisher.
Memory: 4 GB RAM; 2 GB RAM (32-bit)
Display: 1280 x 768 screen resolution
Operating System: Windows 10 , Windows Server 2019, or Windows 10 LTSC 2019 at release.
Hard Disk: 4.0 GB of available disk space
Computer or Processor: 1.6 gigahertz (GHz) or faster, 2-core
Graphics: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2.0 or higher for Windows 10 (or WDDM 1.3 or higher for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update).Browser: The current version of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox. Get more details.
.NET version: Some features may require .NET 3.5 or 4.6 and higher to also be installed.
Other: Internet functionality requires an Internet connection.
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Frequently asked questions
How can I be certain that my copy of Microsoft Office is genuine?
How long does a genuine software license from GetMsOffice last?
Can I buy a single-use license software and install on multiple computers?
What is a digital download and how does it work?
What are retail software products?
Can I update my software over the Internet? (not needed as there's no update after 2021)